Design Meanings

  • Amman, Jordan

    Amman, Jordan design is inspired by the city of Amman in the Levant country of Jordan.

    The owner of Levant 2 Australia has lived in Amman for 3 years after escaping the Syrian war. Amman is a beautiful city with a lot of history and ever-expanding cultural influence on the Levant region. Amman has many landmarks including The Roman Theatre, Amman's Citadel, Mount Nebo, Rainbow St, King Abdullah Mosque, The Boulevard JO, Grand Husseini Mosque, Qasr al-Abd, King Hussein Bin Talal Mosque, The Duke's Diwan, and Nymphaeum.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "عمان الأردن" was translated by into "Amman, Jordan", showing off the beauty of the name of both the city and the country.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Voyager (Camel Design)

    The Voyager (Camel Design) is inspired by the endless journeys humans take physically, spiritually, and intellectually, either voluntarily or forcefully.

    Life is a voyage in itself on many levels. Many people who can afford to travel chose to to explore the world to find themselves and experience different cultures. On the other hand, refugees, like the owner of Levant 2 Australia, had to undergo this experience with no choice of their own. Regardless of how someone ends up "on the road", being on a voyage teaches people to think differently and empathise with others. It teaches them to predict the worst but hope for the best. But most importantly, it teaches voyagers to appreciate every single opportunity they have.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "سافر تجد عوضاً عمَّن تفارقهُ" was translated by meaning into "Travel to find better things", encouraging people who are facing challenges and are stagnant in their life to travel and seek new experiences as they are very likely to end up with new opportunities which they can cease.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • Patience (Lock Design)

    Patience (Lock Design) is inspired by the hope and perseverance equally.

    Life is not fair, but it is also unpredictable. While life can be very tough, it never hurts to have hope and persevere. Doing your best has the potential to pay off. But also, if you survive long enough, the natural constant of change might alter the situation to be in your favour.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "الصبر مفتاح الفرج" was literally translated into "Patience is the key to relief." Meaning that the end of any problem would come if you were patient enough. Because either the problem ends, or you grow stronger. The choice of an open lock is based on its symbolism of being stuck and restrained. 

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Optimistic (Sun Design)

    The Optimistic (Sun Design) is inspired by smiles on people's faces.

    To smile, we use at least 10 muscles. Yet, we generate happiness to ourselves and others. Smiling is a universal language that communicates love and affection across people and cultures. To smile in the face of your loved one is like the sun rising to the sky, brining a new day into existence.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "الحياة حلوة" was literally translated into "Life is beauty." The choice of a sun is based on its symbolism of beauty and happiness. The sun shines from the faces of those who smile.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Ultimate Wealth (Dollar Sign Design)

    The Ultimate Wealth (Dollar Sign Design) is inspired by the human greed.

    Greed might be one of the seven deadly sins but it's more than a sin, it's the drive for most of human disasters. Greed drives wars, hate, and jealousy. Greed never makes someone happy as they would never be able to acquire enough wealth and resources to satisfy their greed. Contentment on other hand is great value to have, making even a penny seems like a bar of gold. Contentment is about being happy with what you have and focusing on utilising it. It is indeed an endless treasure.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "القناعة كنز لا يفنى" was very challenging to translate, as it is part of a ancient proverb. Thus, we translated the intended meaning "Contentment is an endless treasure." The choice of a dollar sign is due to its symbolism of greed and money.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Power of Love (Heart Design)

    The Power of Love (Heart Design) is inspired by everything in this world that makes life beautiful. 

    Humans had always been fascinated by love, the feeling that everyone experiences, yet no one can explain. Love gives more meaning to life as it links the happiness of the la person to their partner, friends, family, even animals, objects, memories and ideas. Love is beautiful.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "أغَرَّكِ مِنِّي أنَّ حُبَّكِ قَاتِلِي وأنَّكِ مَهْمَا تَأْمُرِي القَلْبَ يَفْعَلِ" was very challenging to translate, as it is part of a romantic poem by Imru' al-Qais. Thus, we translated the intended meaning "My heart obeys all you desire it to, by the power of love I have for you." This poem amplifies how the heart in many cases operates separately to the mind. The heart might submit to the power of love, leaving the person mindless. Love is till beautiful, but it should not make the heart replace the mind.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Pacifist (Peace Design)

    The Pacifist (Peace Design) is inspired by the city of Wollongong. 

    The designer comes from a Syrian refugee background and has lived through and survived the Syrian civil war, one of the most notorious wars in this century. Many humans lost their lives, lost their loved ones, lost their properties because they happened to be born in a place that was doomed to cater for the greed of the rich and powerful. Upon arriving to Wollongong, the designer witnessed the harmony among residents in practice. Wollongong, a multicultural city with diverse population, pains a picture of peace and love, where regardless of what someone identifies as or comes from, can still make their dreams come true.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "السلام يوحدنا" is the literal translation of "Peace unites us." A simple and direct message encouraging people to love and care for each other as this unity strengthen us as a community.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Good Health (Needle Design)

    The Good Health (Needle Design) is inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-COV-2 (Coronavirus).

    The Covid-19 pandemic caused havoc across the world, with millions dying and more losing their jobs and livelihoods. Humans embraced the fact that preventing the infection is the better option compared to treatment. Humanity developed vaccines and governments implemented social distancing measures and mandatory face masks and hand sanitizers to stop the spread. This whole appraoch regarding prevention reminded the designer of the old Arabic proverb "درهم وقاية خير من قنطار علاج".

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "درهم وقاية خير من قنطار علاج" is the literal translation of "One penny of prevention is better than a wealth of treatment." This is a metaphor of how much lives and resources are saved by preventing a problem rather than waiting for it to happen then trying to fix it. 

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Change (Time Design)

    The Change (Time Design) is inspired by the only constant in the universe, change.

    Change is a fact the is neutral in terms of its connotations. Bad times change for good or for even worse times. Similarly, good times can also change for better or for bad times. Regardless, life moves on and being stuck in the past helps no one. Embracing change can have benefits if bad times are the present.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "لا شيء يدوم" is the literal translation of "Nothing stays the same." This is a simple, direct message aimed to reinforce that change is coming whether we like it or not and whether we need it or not. The choice of a clock, is based on its symbolism to time, in which we measure change through.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Environmentalist (Tree Design)

    The Environmentalist (Tree Design) is inspired by the duty of care humans have for Earth.

    Planet Earth will survive with or without humanity, but the human civilisation would not. Throughout Earth's 4.5 Billion years of age, countless environmental disasters struck our planet. Yet, life survived and persevered. Unfortunelty for humans, the world does not revolve around us, neither does life. If humanity did not learn to care for our planet, the human civilisation might cease to exist either through climate change, pandemics, or wars over resources.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "أحفظ الأرض، تحفظك" is the literal translation of "If you care for Earth, it cares for you." This is a simple, direct message aimed to reinforce the environmental responsibilities humans have for Earth. The selection of a tree symbol is based on the simple fact that it's easily recognisable.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Ambitious (Mountain Design)

    The Ambitious (Mountain Design) is inspired by the human trait perseverance and ambition to thrive.

    It is a given that life is not fair, some people are naturally more privileged than others, either by birth, luck or hard work. However, there is no reason for humans not to work as hard as they can towards achieving their goals. Life is not a race as each person is on a different track. But as long as humans maintain hope and act on it when they can, they are likely to accomplish.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "ومن يتهيب صعود الجبال يعش أبد الدهر بين الحفر" was challenging to translate as it comes from a poem by the famous Maghrib poet Abu Alqasem Alshabbi. However, we managed to deliver the meaning through, "Those who fear climbing mountains, shall live forever under the ground." This emphasise the clear distinction between those who give up and those who persevere towards achieving their goals. The poet states that the universe does not care about those who give up, but rewards those who work hard.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.

  • The Animal Lover (Cat Design)

    The Animal Lover (Cat Design) is inspired by the unbroken bond between humans and animals.

    Humans and animals relied on each other for thousands of years and managed to be in the same ecosystem. It's only recently in the history of humanity that we became a destructive species that drives other species to extinction.

    Now that humans are educated enough, we must recognise that our actions towards animals have consequences and that animals just like humans, do feel pain, and do have families.

    The Arabic calligraphy writing "كن بالحيوانات رؤفا" literally translates to "Be kind to animals" as we have a responsibility to care for Earth and the living organisms on it.

    The choice of cat is due to the simple fact that cats are the designer's favourite animal.

    Arabic writing is usually viewed with suspicion and fear as many people associate it unjustifiably with terrorism. Thus, through showing the beauty of Arabic writing and Arabic calligraphy via printing it on hippie T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, tank tops, mugs, canvas, tote cotton bags, and mouse pads; we hope to change the perception of Arabic writing towards admiration and appreciation.